#205 - Haunted Hotels, Microsoft buys Bethesda , & TJ vs. Karen


Hosts: TJ, Jason, & Brett

This week on the show:

Segment One: Brett makes a run to the SLC and relives The Shining at a haunted hotel. Questions arise regarding the handling of the death of local citizenry. TJ thinks he’s a betting guru.

Segment Two: We get a gun wielding moron in our FGS this week in addition to a Vietnamese condom cleaning scam. HOT TAKES covers the passing of two celebs, the newly released Wandavision trailer, Microsoft makes a major move before releasing the Series X, and a crazed fan takes TJ to task over poor math.

Segment Three: Karen the Krazy Quad M Fan sticks around to challenge the guys to REDDIT FUN trivia. Surprises abound!

Look both ways before crossing! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on September 28, 2020 .