#240 - Don't Breathe 2 Review, Spider-Man 3 Trailer, & Messing With The Ebay Marketplace


Hosts: TJ & Jason

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s Nostalgia Week on the show as Jason beats his first video game in ages and TJ embraces the dark side with his new hobby of destroying people’s Ebay hopes and dreams. And a look back at old school Transformers G1 figures.

Segment Two: It’s a battle royale this week with the FGS winner. HOT TAKES covers the passing of long time Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watt, a review of the new film Don’t Breathe 2, a look at the Spider-Man 3: Eff Jason trailer and the latest episode of What if?

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN asks “How would you mess with people if you were God?” Plus, won’t you please help Bigfoot with Sarah McLachlan? And, Batista and Momoa in a new buddy cop movie?

Blasphemy abounds! It’s THE QUAD M SHOW!!!

Posted on August 30, 2021 .