#286 - The Bracket: Worst X-Mas Gifts Edition, Turkey Day Hangover, & Eduardo Garcia Perez, Esq

Hosts: TJ, Brett, & Krissy

This week on the show:

Segment One: It’s the day after Thanksgiving and it’s a Quad M food hangover. Brett is mourning the winding down of hunting season. TJ loves four day weekends and hates the local classic rock station for killing the music he loves. A discussion about the recent surge of “mumble rappers” leads to TJ’s new music project: Lil Cn33qah3d! Krissy unleashes awesomeness with her 4 Cheese Macaroni and the gang recounts the full Turkey Day shenanigans and The Carlson Cafe. Costco is hell.

Segment Two: FGS brings us a Dominican woman who’s wheelchair can magically store 28 pounds of cocaine. Eduardo Garcia Perez for the defense! HOT TAKES remembers Green Power Ranger Jason David Frank. We’re fading on the MCU. TJ brings a new edition of THE BRACKET as we look at horrible holiday gifts.

Segment Three: REDDIT FUN is a two-fer as “What annoying tortures would be present in Heck?” doesn’t quite live up to our standards so we also look at “What are sexy names for lady bits?” Fun had by all. Plus, PICKS O’ THE WEEK!

Eeeeet’s Keeeeeeecking! it’s THE QUAD M SHOW!

Posted on November 28, 2022 .